Monday, June 6, 2016

Andy Galaxy

Year: 2018
Location: Belfast Ireland

It was dry today. The dust clung to the cover of the guitar case.  There weren't many tourists about either, Andy was thinking of moving on, find another town to play her songs.
Four years ago, Andy was a superstar, a wrestler and modestly successful.  Certain things happened that changed the course of her life, magic changed her.
She married a man in a fake wedding on a lone Scottish moor, and walked in the heavens.  She had been a part of a team of angels, bound to the earth, to serve a higher purpose.
It was in the last days of 2014 that Andy was called to guide a soul, her grandmother, through the gates of St. Peter.

Our story begins as Siobhan Robertson was laid to rest.  Andy stood stoically next to her husband, she never shed a tear. Amazing Grace was sung, ashes to ashes, and Andy vanished.
The soul of an Earth Bound Angel cannot die, but it can diminish, after much damage, one just goes into suspension until the soul is strong again.

Andy woke again eight months later in that same field in Scotland where she had fake married almost a year earlier.  She was in labor, an accident surely conceived the night Serena returned.
Andy refused to call for help and delivered a small girl child. She flashed to Serena's house in Greenwich, and found Johanna Hager, at home and seven months pregnant.
"Where is Drew?" She asked.
"We don't know. You disappeared. Drew left the company in June. Cos boards Spartan here, but he lives in New York City. Where were you?" Jo asked.
"I don't know. Everywhere, nowhere. I had no consciousness. I woke up today, and she came through me." Andy said, indicating the female child she had in her arms.
"Oh my god Andy, she's beautiful." Jo said. Jo had a high risk pregnancy, she'd married Jake Hager on the New Years Eve live Smackdown.
"You want her?" Andy asked. Andy never wanted children and Drew had told her often enough that he wanted no children.

"Desperately." Jo replied, looking at the small dark haired fairy resting in Andy's arms.
"There was trouble when you left them." Jo told Andy and accepted the infant.
"This will be the last time I'll come. Take Spartan to your Georgia home, raise Heaven to be brave like you, and love horses. Don't ever let her know about Drew and I.  That love is a curse, it's brought me nothing but heartache. Keep her out of Louisiana, she already bears the Robertson eyes, those pale silvers that see past the veil." Andy said, and vanished.

Thinking back, Andy wondered about the trouble the other Angels had faced when she broke.  Her soul had been so damaged, the addition of the fetus was all that held Andy to what little life she'd had.
Andy remembered hearing Serena, and Bobbi call out to her, and Annabeth tried to find her several times.  Only Cassie had left her alone, as she had wanted.
When Mahmo passed, that essential spark of Andy-ness had died, and so had her body, mostly. She mourned to death.

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